TeachingThe groups of all the assignatures offered by the University of Valencia will be active to the start of the academic course. Cadascun Of the groups is formed by the teachers that imparteixen docència and the data obtain of the BD (databases) of the POD (Organisational Teaching Plan) and for the students enrolled, as the official databases of matrícula. Update of the POD and matrícula in Virtual Classroom
If the groups of docència of a teacher are not correct, has to repassar if they are correct in the BD of the POD since Secretaria Virtual and request the update in Virtual Classroom since the application Solicitudes.
SubgroupsAs the experience of previous users avoids the creation of the subgroups to avoid the duplication of the work in the maintenance of the subgroups; this no obstant, the teacher can request the creation by means of an application expresses. For example, the assignatura of the llicenciatura in Psychology "12386 Psychometrics . 9 credits (6 C.Teo. 3 C.Pra.)" It has six groups of the To to the F, of which the group To has 4 subgroups: T0, I1, I2, I3. ComunitiesA community is some surroundings of work that the University creates on demand of a group of docents or users of the platform. His utility rau in the exchange of documents, information and communication through some virtual surroundings. In definite, is a tool of collaboration, that will facilitate the development of the work in groups of research formed by researchers of this university and of others.
The creation of a community does by means of an application, indicating the name and the address of e-mail of the administrator and of the members. For defect, the administrators can add new members, news, appointments in the calendar, documents, etc., whereas the members only have permission to consult the information added by the administrators. All and this, the administrators can modify the permissions assigned by defect to the members.
Note: To add external users to the University, have to know his name, the surnames and the address that will use. This address will serve to identify in the platform, and the password will send of automatic way to the user via post to this same address.