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Aula Virtual

Aula Virtual

The administrators of the courses or communities are responsible for the maintenance of the participants who can have access to the virtual space. Adding participants or attending access requests.

Add participants


1) To add a user manually

in one of their courses

, you can do

it from the block of:"ADMINISTRACIÓ > Administració del curs > Usuaris > Usuaris matriculats"

so by clicking on "Participants" that appears within a course in the block on the left.

2) On the page that opens click on the button"Enrol user".

NEW COURSE 2020-21

The search in the course 2020-21 must use the mail For the search you can use surnames, username or email alias (long mail)email). If the user is already in the course, it will not be shown in the search results and can be misleading.

Request access

If you want to request access to a course or community, you can contact the administrators by consulting the public information in the catalog of courses or communities.

Rev:2020 / 07

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cqllabel = "siuvpubfaqauv001_005"