A- If a student says that the system has crashed and they have to do the quiz again, can we verify that this is true? Or if you close it by mistake? Or if by the connection to the electrical network? R- You cannot check whether it is true or not. In "quiz records" you can see when the student starts an attempt, if he reaches the "Summary of the attempt" screen and if he has delivered. It is not reflected if there has been a outage or any other reason.
The following screenshot is an example of an internet connection cut by a student taking a questionnaire.
A- What is the best way to do the exams, 60 students on a quiz or better 3 equal quizs but with 20 people. R- The beginning and end of a questionnaire load the system. Students should not press the quiz at the same time. It would be better, as far as possible, three quizs of 20 people spaced their start, for example, 5 minutes.
A- Can the results be retrieved every 15 minutes to verify that everything is progressing? A kind of insurance copy, as you etat? Or a window with "live results"? R- Enter the quiz and click on the link "Attempts: x attempts", where x is the number of students who have started taking the quiz at that time. On the page that opens you can refresh every 15 minutes (F5 in Windows, Command + R Mac, Ctrl + F5 Linux) to see the students who are finishing the attempt. If you click on "Review of attempt" of a student you can see the questions that have been answered.
A- What to do if D-day at H-hour fails? We cancel the exam? We wait 10 minutes? If only 50% of people can enter. R- If any student cannot enter, they can create a new attempt for the students that have not been able to do it from "User Exceptions". On the exceptions page you can upload the number of attempts to the student (it would go from 1 to 2) and also change the date of "Open" and "Close quiz". More information:
A- The exam, once the student enters, is downloaded to their computer, or is downloaded question by question (this is why we could organize the student in 5-minute shifts to enter) R- The exam is not downloaded to the computer. It runs on the Server. There must be an Internet connection to make the attempt.