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SEB opens a web browser window without navigation elements and locks the computer in kiosk mode,
which avoids changing other applications or leaving SEB prematurely. SEB allows secure exams on unmanaged computers,
such as student laptops themselves, as well as in managed environments.

It is possible to activate its use in the Virtual Classroom questionnaires but we DO NOT RECOMMEND its use for the following reasons:

  • It is only possible to use it in Windows and MacOS operating systems.
  • NOT available for Linux, Android, etc.
  • The SEB is more thought for centralized facilities, such as Computer Rooms.
  • Does not give 100% copy reliability.
  • In order to solve the exam, ALL USERS (students) must have it installed on their computer. Note, again, that a student who has Linux installed on their computer WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE TEST.
  • Complexity in the configuration by the user (students and teachers).
  • Although it is enabled in the Virtual Classroom for its use, it is an external tool that we DO NOT GIVE SUPPORT FOR ITS USE.
  • Sin etiquetas