(EN) DISCO - Mailbox

(EN) DISCO - Mailbox

DISCO mailbox

So that your e-mail attachments are delivered directly to your disk space.

It exists and you can send emails to addresses of the type:


The messages addressed to these addresses will be delivered in the corresponding disk space in a folder (created if necessary) named "buzondisco".

A subfolder will be created for each message received, with the sender's address (eg "colleague @ gmail_com_1").

Within the folder there will be several files, corresponding to each of the parts (attachments) of which the message was composed, in addition to a file headers.txt with the headers.

Pe, for the typical case of a message with an attachment:

  colleague @ gmail_com_1157404923 [folder]
      headers.txt [headers]
      message.txt [message text]
      planetazul.pps [attached]

A direct application of this is that a user can save in his virtual disk an attachment or package received by mail without having to download it to his PC first and then upload it to disk.uv.es (impossible if the line is slow).

It also allows the delivery of files of UP TO 50MB (maximum limit for mail messages) to a user's disk without going through the parcel and without having to open their mail.

Obviously, the disk space quota is applied and messages will be rejected if it is exceeded.


The files ARE PROVEN with an ANTIVIRUS and are rejected if they are infected. It may happen that the sender does NOT receive the error message in this case, but the infected file is deleted and on disk.uv.es a file "VIRUS_ENCONTRADO.txt" is left which warns of what happened.

Conditions for delivery (anti-spam)

CONDITION NECESSARY so that the delivery is made that one of the following two conditions is met:

  1. The sender (From :) is an address of the domain " uv.es ".
  2. In the case there is the sub-word "adjunt" or "attach" (that is, it also works with the word "attachment", "attachments", "attachments", etc ...). 
      • Pe: it is worth to put "Subject: Documents requested attached"

This allows university users to directly redirect messages to a buzondisco @ disco.uv.es , while a person with external address must put "attached" or similar in the subject to be accepted. This is a (slight) anti-spam measure.


Note that the service is designed for simple messages (a few attachments, not attachments within attachments). It is likely that some type of message is not correctly decoded by buzondisco.

Rev:2018 / 06