Skype for Business Recordings Manager

The Skype for Business Recordings Manager allows us to play our meeting recordings, go to the location where we have saved them or publish them for others to see.

Manage Skype for Business meeting recordings 

To access the Recordings Manager, click on Tools in the main window of Skype for Business and then click on Recordings Manager.

We can also open the Record Manager from a meeting.

We will highlight a recording and follow one of these procedures:

  • To play the recording we will click on Play. The video opens in Windows Media Player if we have it installed.
  • We will click on Browse to go to the location of the recording. We can move the video or send it to other users so they can see it.
  • We will click on Rename and we will write a new name in the highlighted area.
  • We will click on Delete to permanently remove the recording from our computer (it will not go to the Recycle Bin).

Publish allows us to change the name of the recording and save it in a different location. We can also click on Options to select the type of content that we want to include in the recording, such as instant messaging or video.