(EN) MMEDIA - Publish and share

(EN) MMEDIA - Publish and share

Servei d'informàtica - Universitat de València - Area de Infraestructures per a la Docència i la Investigació

MMedia.Publish and share multimedia material.

Access to the server.

As users of the UV, we have a private space in MMedia where we can deposit our videos or multimedia resources. Access to this space can be done by logging into MMedia with our username and password (web interface), disco.uv.es, or from network units (the latter option is not discussed in this document).

We remind you that we can only publish in MMedia, videos, music and materials of which we are owners or can legally deposit in the server (see section "Legal").

On the main page of MMedia, we have at the top of 4 options among which is "Login"

The appearance of the administration screen will be similar to the one shown below, where the multimedia files that we will "upload" to the platform will be displayed.

We can upload our files using one of the tabs at the top called "New file".

And once the file has been uploaded, we can click on it and access an editing form that will allow us to select if we want our video to be public or not, put a title and a description, assign a category, and several other options, apart from a button that would allow us to convert it to MP4 (default format for MMedia) if the original video is in another format.

We can also write down the URL that has been assigned to us to send it by mail, provide it to our students, etc., so that by clicking on it, users directly access the reproduction of our video.

Upload a video to MMedia.

To upload a video to MMedia we simply have to follow a few steps. We can see the following videotutorial that explains how to do it.



UPLOAD A VIDEO TO MMEDIA.UV.ES. Procedure to upload a video to the MMedia platform for later publication.