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When a user encounters multimedia material attached to a Creative Commons license, he must know what is allowed to be done with that work.

In the videos deposited in MMedia, the author can select the type of license that he wishes to assign to his video. Said license will be shown next to the video before being reproduced, informing the user that this audiovisual material is protected with this type of license.
This type of license offers some rights to third parties under certain conditions.
When a user encounters multimedia material attached to a Creative Commons license, he must know what is allowed to be done with that work.
In the videos deposited in MMedia, the author can select the type of license that he wishes to assign to his video. This license will be displayed next to the video, informing the user that this audiovisual material is protected with this type of license.
This type of license offers some rights to third parties under certain conditions.
We can find four combined conditions to choose:
Recognition (Attribution): In any exploitation of the work authorized by the license will need to recognize the authorship.
Non Commercial (Non commercial): The exploitation of the work is limited to non-commercial uses.
No derivative works (No Derivate Works): The authorization to exploit the work does not include the transformation to create a derivative work.
Share Equal (Share alike): Authorized exploitation includes the creation of derivative works provided that they maintain the same license when they are disclosed.
With these four conditions combined you can generate six different licenses among which we can choose one for our video or work:
Recognition (by): Any exploitation of the work, including a commercial purpose, is permitted, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also permitted without any restriction.
Recognition - NonCommercial (by-nc): The generation of derivative works is allowed as long as they are not used commercially. Nor can the original work be used for commercial purposes.
Recognition - NoComercial - ShareItal (by-nc-sa): It is not allowed a commercial use of the original work or of the possible derivative works, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to the one that regulates the original work.
Recognition - NoComercial - NoDerivada (by-nc-nd): No commercial use of the original work or the generation of derivative works is permitted.
Recognition - Shareual (by-sa): The commercial use of the work and possible derivative works is allowed, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to the one that regulates the original work.
Recognition - NoDerivada (by-nd): The commercial use of the work is allowed, but not the generation of derivative works.