

Who can access Tirant?

In principle, any researcher from the Valencian Community can make a request for calculation hours for 50% of Tirant. In addition, they can request 50% time allocated to the RES, following the forms collected on the website of the   RES   in the BSC.

Access protocol

  • Each activity request to be developed in   Tirant   it must be presented by a researcher (Researcher Responsible for the activity) who must be a member of a current research project. Said project must be financed by an institution of international, national or regional scope, after public competition in a publicity, transparency, objectivity and competitive competition regime.
  • The application form will include the following information:
  1. A description of the activity to be developed in   Tirant . In particular, the relationship with the global scientific project in which the proposed activity is framed must be specified, including the reference number of the aforementioned project.
  2. A justification that this activity requires access to   Tirant .
  3. A brief CV of the Researcher Responsible for the activity or, where appropriate, the Principal Investigator of the scientific project in which it is framed. References to the most relevant articles in the last five years will be included.
  4. A technical description of the software and the resources required to   Tirant .

Evaluation process

Once the request for calculation hours has been completed and sent, it will be evaluated by a committee of 5 scientists who will determine whether or not their project can be executed on the machine of the Spanish Supercomputing Network,   Tirant . For this, the following criteria will be used:

  • Quality of the global scientific project in which the activity is framed (20%).
  • Importance of the proposed activity, as well as the calculations made in   Tirant   for the achievement of the project objective (30%).
  • Scientific credentials of the applicant research group (10%).
  • Previous experience in the calculation of high benefits (10%).
  • Real need of a supercomputer to carry out the calculations (20%).
  • Technical convenience of the proposed activity to the architecture of   Tirant   (10%)

Obligations of the user

  • Send to the Access Committee an electronic copy of those publications (articles, conference proceedings, etc.) based on results obtained thanks to the use of the resources of   Tirant .
  • Explicitly mention such use in such publications (eg, section acknowledgments).
  • Monitoring of the rules of use of   Tirant , and the security and confidentiality policies of the RES.
  • Guarantee that the results obtained will not be used   Tirant   for profit, and which will be usable only under the terms of Public Research.
  • Provide the Access Committee with any additional information or documentation (videos, multimedia presentations, etc ...) to be used as material to disseminate the activities carried out in   Tirant .

Access requests

Access to the service is managed through an Access Committee, made up of scientists responsible for evaluating each of the access requests and planning access to available resources. The resources are assigned for a period of 4 months, after which it is necessary to submit a new access request. The chosen model mimics the one that currently exists in the BSC, which has amply demonstrated its validity. The opening and completion of deadlines for submitting applications will be duly published on the website of   Tirant   as to the users of scientific calculation of the UV.

Request models for calculation hours

To make the request for calculation hours, you must fill in the model that corresponds to your needs. There are two models available: calculation time request for a new project or request for continuation of an existing project, which for any reason needs more calculation hours.

Instructions for completing the forms

The forms are PDF files that must be completed. We recommend that you use   Acroad Once everything is filled in, you have to send it attached by mail to  tirant@uv.es   or follow the Acroread instructions after "Send form". Remember that there are two versions, one for new projects and another to request a renewal of a currently approved project.

Access to the RES

Finally, remember that you can also make use of the calculation time assigned to the RES, by using the following form   web

In that case, the RES access committee will evaluate your request and decide in which node of the RES your work will be executed (if admitted to be executed).

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