(EN) Use conditions for Linux Virtual Desktop
(EN) Use conditions for Linux Virtual Desktop
- SIUV - Qualitat i Comunicació
Owned by SIUV - Qualitat i Comunicació
feb 14, 2024
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The Universitat de València has available to users who request it virtual desktops with Linux Ubuntu (Desktop 20.04 LTS) virtual machines (VM) for teaching, in the same way as they have Windows virtual desktops. These Linux Ubuntu virtual machines are still in testing and can be updated depending on the needs that are detected.
The use of these systems implies the observation of the following rules, many of them similar to those already followed for Windows desktops:
- To have access to a Linux VM, users (teachers, students, PAS) must have a user account with active links to the University of Valencia and belong to a predefined user group that has access to Linux virtual machines enabled. Otherwise, the creation of a common user group will have to be requested by means of a disk space creation request to the SIUV.
- The software used for teaching that is installed on Linux VMs is subject to the same regulations as the software that is installed on Windows virtual machines, which follows the regulations: https://uveg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/STU /pages/13075769/EN+Software+Installation . It indicates that it is the center that requests the software to be installed in the virtual machine at the request of the users.
- The installation of teaching software on Linux VMs will be carried out using official software repositories compatible with Ubuntu (Flatpak , Snap or Conda), which allow automated installation, avoiding the installation of software that must be compiled. Requested programs that are not compatible with our desktop virtualization system will not be installed.
- Linux VMs are created when the user logs in and are destroyed once the user logs out or shuts down the virtual machine after using it (they are not persistent).
- Linux VM users have a user folder located on a persistent network disk (which will maintain its contents after logging out or shutting down the VM) that has a space limitation (disk quota) of 5 GB. There are no plans to expand the size of these folders.
- No backup copies will be made of the contents of the user folders and the UV is not responsible for the loss of temporary data that is stored in said folder. At any time you can proceed to delete these folders for reasons of need for the service. Users must limit the use of these folders to teaching sessions and manage their data once these are finished.
Rev: | 2024 / 02 |
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