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(EN) Installation plugin in Aula Virtual

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The plugins allow you to add features and functionality to Moodle. There are a large number of plugins and it is not possible to install all of them.

It has enabled a policy for your setup. The steps followed are.

  1. The user interested in the installation of the plugin must justify the reasons and interest for the entire university community that you can have, from - Consultas sobre - Aula Virtual..
  2. The plugin is studied by checking if it is maintained and updated. Will check the compatibility with our platform. Language and available translations of the plugin.
  3. If approved the feasibility of the plugin is sent to the "Comisión  de Recursos de Enseñanza  Digital (CRED)" to decide whether to install or not.
  4. It warns the Community of the University of Valencia of the installation of the new plugin.

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