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Cuestiones sobre matrícula
Al usar la aplicación de matrícula
Academic and administrative consultations
I consult the list of centers.
* Always during registration appointment time
Queries on the use of applications
I consult the index help. If you can not find it, you can consult the contact telephone number on this page
* Always during the registration appointment.
News registration 2019-20 (PAS)
Information for UV personnel.
News registration 2019-20 v2
ITC Support phone
ITC Suport Registration Phone:
From 07-16-2019 to 07-31-2019
Monday to Thursday: 08: 30h. at 7:30 p.m.
Friday: 08: 30h. at 2:30 p.m.
Registration preparation
Update the administrative data necessary for registration before the registration appointment. The enrollment preparation is exclusively for students who have already enrolled in previous courses in the degree.
- (EN) Student portal access - Registration Preparation
- (EN) Identify yourself in the application - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Appointment of Enrollment - Enrollment of Degree
- (EN) Characteristics of the application - Degree Registratione
- (EN) Personal data - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Address - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Administrative data - Degree registration
Registration confirmation process
This process lasts to term the day and the assigned time that has been assigned for the registration (appointment). Registration can be formalized from this moment.
Enrollment for students who enroll for the first time in the degree does not require enrollment preparation. All the steps will be carried out on the assigned day by registration appointment.
- (EN) Access from the student portal - Registration of new entry
- (EN) Identified in the application - Registration of new income
- (EN) Characteristics of the application - Registration of new income
- (EN) Personal data - New entry registration
- (EN) Address - New entry registration
- (EN) Administrative data - New entry registration
- (EN) Statistical data - New entry registration
- (EN) Data of the mail user - Registration of new entry
- (EN) Enrollment - Registration of new entry
- (EN) Registration summary - New entry registration
- (EN) Economic valuation of the enrollment - New entry registration
- (EN) Finish registration - New entry registration
- (EN) Common errors in preparation of enrollment - New entry registration
- (EN) Common errors in Degree enrollment - New entry registration
- (EN) Have you done the Registration Preparation?
- (EN) Access from the student portal - Enrollment of Degree
- (EN) Identify yourself in the application - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Appointment of Enrollment - Enrollment of Degree
- (EN) Characteristics of the application - Degree Registration
- (EN) Personal data - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Address - Degree Enrollment
- (EN) Administrative data - Degree registration
- (EN) Statistical data - Degree Registration
- (EN) Data of the mail user - Degree Registration
- (EN) Common errors in preparation of enrollment - Degree Registration
- (EN) Common Errors in Degree Enrollment - Degree Registration
- (EN) Have you done the Registration Preparation MASTERS?
- (EN) Access from the student portal - Master's Registration
- (EN) Identify yourself in the application - Master's Registration
- (EN) Enrollment - Master Enrollment
- (EN) Characteristics of the application - Master's registration
- (EN) Personal data - Master's registration
- (EN) Address - Master's License
- (EN) Administrative data - Master's registration
- (EN) Statistical data - Master's registration
- (EN) Data of the mail user - Master's registration
- (EN) Common errors in preparation of enrollment - Master's Registration
- (EN) Common errors in Master's enrollment - Master's enrollment
- (EN) Have you done the Registration Preparation DOCTORATE?
- (EN) Access from the student portal - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Identify yourself in the application - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Enrollment Quote - Doctorate Enrollment
- (EN) Characteristics of the application - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Personal data - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Domicile - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Administrative data - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Statistical data - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Data of the mail user - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Registration of subjects - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Summary - Doctoral registration
- (EN) Finish registration - Doctorate registration
- (EN) Common errors in preparation for enrollment - Doctorate enrollment
- (EN) Common errors in doctorate enrollment - Doctorate enrollment
- (EN) Enrollment of optional subjects
- (EN) Modality 1: Loose subjects and automatic distribution
- (EN) Modality 2: Recommended groupings or loose subjects and automatic distribution
- (EN) Modality 3: Compulsory groupings, with automatic distribution
- (EN) Modality 4: Compulsory groupings and distribution by time groups
- (EN) Modality 5: Direct enrollment by time groups
(EN) Support for enrollment in centers
ERROR MESSAGES. Application.
The descriptions are intended to help diagnose and resolve the incidents that may arise during the registration process in order to be as efficient as possible. Some of the errors shown are not likely to have occurred. However, an exhaustive list with the relevant errors has been attempted. If there is an error that is not described in the list, go to the helpline number.
Portal del alumnado | https://www.uv.es/portalumne |
Portal de las personas usuarias | https://portal.uv.es |
Secretaría virtual | https://secvirtual.uv.es |
Students service information: