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(EN) Update student photography by PTGAS - Virtual Secretary

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If a teacher wants to activate or cancel a survey that he wants his students to do or reopen it, he can contact the Quality Unit.

Student who already has a photo in the virtual secretariat but wants to change it.

All UV students have permission to upload their photograph once by the Virtual Secretariat, if once it has it you want to make a modification of it, you must resort to the secretariat of its center.
The staff of the Center in charge of the administration of the students must have access to the Virtual Secretariat section "Administrator/Administration Students", if not, its responsible must request it. 
Once within this option, the services in which the user is discharged are shown, among which is the service,

When accessing this service, a window like the following is shown, in which you can select the degree in which the student's or student registration is located, to which you want to change the photograph.

Once selected, the window will be displayed with the name, NPA and user, together with the photograph, if it has any.

Here you have to select the "Select file" option and choose the file that contains the photograph to upload:

Once the photograph is selected, a window like the following will be displayed, in which the photo to the box must be adjusted, the content of the fastest box will be uploaded as photography, the gray area will be cut and excluded. This can be adjusted, either with the mouse wheel of the computer or using the lower bar of the photograph.

Once regulated to what you will want to leave as a photograph, it is pressed and "if there is no incidence" the photograph will be linked to the user.

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