Virtual Secretary
Access to the Virtual Secretary
FAQ's Secretaria Virtual |
- (EN) How can I apply for a university card or renew the old one? - Virtual Secretariat
- (EN) How to change my photograph in the UV profile?
- (EN) I am a teacher and my teaching load does not appear - Virtual secretary
- (EN) I AM PAS / PDI. How can I activate my university card? - Virtual secretariat
- (EN) I can not find my schedules in - Virtual Secretary
- (EN) I can not see the payroll or other incidents with the 'Personal' page - Virtual Secretary
- (EN) I have approved a subject and it still does not appear in the file - Virtual secretary
- (EN) I have not received the card yet - Virtual Secretary
- (EN) I have problems with the services of my card (parking, access, ...) - Virtual Secretariat
- (EN) In the registration summary there is no subject, or head. - Virtual secretariat
- (EN) Teacher surveys - Virtual secretariat
- (EN) Why don't the schedules of my enrolled subjects appear?
- (EN) I am PAS/PDI and the new card does not work for me.
- (EN) Why isn't my photo displayed in the virtual secretary and it doesn't allow me to upload a photo?
- (EN) How to upload my student photo for the FIRST TIME at the UV?
- (EN) Why don't I have a virtual card if I have already uploaded my photo in the Virtual Secretariat?
Rev: | 2018 / 06 |
Lang. | |
+Info |
Information about the service
Information about the service
Currently, the virtual Secretariat consists of an offer of different information services to the different user groups of the Universitat de València.
As a summary of the available information services we can mention:
General information inquiries and user actions
- Offered academic year: about groups and subgroups, places and schedules
- Check balance of the electronic purse (only from kiosks)
- Service suggestions
- News of the services of Students, Human Resources PDI and
- Restart of the user password of the UV (only from kiosks)
- Update of the photo for the applications of the University
- Consult personal training (courses received and courses taught)
Reservations of computer places
- Reservation of computer places in computer rooms
- Consultations and cancellations
Personal information for students
- Consultation of registration and academic record
- Consultation of grades of each academic course
- Query data about the order and the result of the registration appointment
- Scholarship inquiry
- Consultation of the schedules of the subjects by weeks
- Consultation of vistiplaus
- Vision of the adaptation to a new level of studies
- Change group / subgroup request
- Application for enrollment extension
- Application for business internship
Personal information to UV staff
- Consultation of the corresponding payroll received in the last three years
- Consultation of accumulations of assets, withholdings, etc. of a percipient (annual)
- Consultation of the pension plan of the University
- Update of parking cards
Teaching Staff Investigator
- Consultation of teaching obligations: subjects, teaching load, schedules and list of students enrolled
Administration and Services Staff
- Consultation of the service sheet
- Shipments of corred
- Administrators: service sheet
- Group / subgroup change managers: requests, refusals and lists
- License plate extension administrators: requests and lists
- Administrators to initialize the password of a user of the UV
- To use this web access to the Virtual Secretariat, you must enable cookies for this session in your browser.We have tested the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. You also need to execute javascript.
By invoking the URL of secvirtual.uv.es in your browser, you will notice that it asks for a username and a password.This user corresponds to your email user of the Universitat de València. To activate an email account at our university, you must access the server page.