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(EN) Request for unarchived from old courses

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Aula Virtual - 

Teachers who wish to recover some material in any of the subjects can make the request for temporary reactivation by filling in the form on the page:

The data to be completed are:

  • The Academic Course of the subject to which you wish to access.
  • The Code of the subject.
  • The group of the subject.

The desarxivat will last 7 days and can only be requested by a teacher who was a teacher of that group in Virtual Classroom that year.

The course will only be accessible to the teacher of the subject.

The Computing Service carried out the decision made by the management team of the University of Valencia in February 2015 to have the current course and the previous one active.
We are sorry, but the current policy of the University of Valencia does not allow us to make the decision to reactivate former courses for students. Only teachers can request the unarchiving of the subjects in which they have taught.

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