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(EN) Modify my photograph in Virtual Classroom

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Aula Virtual -

The photo in the virtual classroom is the same photo as the Virtual Secretary, therefore, to modify the photo in the virtual classroom, there is a procedure to modify the photo from the Virtual Secretary.

With this service any staff or PDI can modify the photograph shown in the applications of the Universitat de València.

All you have to do is select a picture with the indicated characteristics and authorize this photograph to be used in the University's applications instead of the existing one. If it is not authorized, the photograph is not modified. The user can always leave his original photograph again.

For students there is another procedure:

Those students who want to change their photo have to go through the secretary of their center where the corresponding staff can make the change after submitting their photo in digital format.

If the student has already delivered his photo in the center but the voice in Virtual Classroom has not yet updated his / her photo of Secretària Virtual

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