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(EN) Official subgroups and request for activation in the Virtual Classroom.

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Aula Virtual - 

Through the center centre d'atenció a l'usuari  you can request that you activate the official subgroups of your subject-group as Moodle groups. When requesting it, you must indicate the type of subgroup. If not indicated, all existing types for that subject will be created.

Once requested its activation, all existing subgroups of the requested type were created. Once created, the teachers will be responsible for the maintenance of the additions and deletions of the students in the subgroup.

Type list for the undergraduate subjects:

Pràctiques clíniquesC
Aula InformàticaI
Pràctiques externesS
Treballs en grupA
Treball fi d'estudisF
 Sense DocènciaD
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