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Chat on Skype for Business

Search and add a contact

Connect with people from the UV or with users who have Skype accounts.

  1. On the Contacts tab, in the Search someone box, we will enter a name or an email address.
  2. In the search results, we will click with the right button on the person we want to add and then select Add to contact list.
  3. We select the group of contacts that we want to add to the person, if we have groups of contacts configured.

When we add a person to the contact list, they receive a notification. External contacts must accept the invitation before they can see its availability.

Start an instant message (IM)

In the Contacts tab, we select the image of a contact, and then click on Send an MI THE SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)> 

To add other people, we will click on Invite more people EL SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)>  in the upper right corner.
Tip: To use IM with several people, we can also press Ctrl and select each contact. Next, we will click with the right button and select Send an IM.

  • We write the message
  • We click on Send THE SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)>  or press Enter.

Start a video or voice call

To quickly make a call to any online contact.

  • We will select the image of a contact and click on Call THE SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)> or Start a video call THE SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7) >
  • To add voice or video to an existing conversation, we will click on Call SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)>  or Videocall EL SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7 )> 

Note: If we do not have a camera, the video call options are not available.

Receive a call

We select an option:

  • Click on Answer to accept the call.
  • Click Ignore to discard the call and send it to voicemail, if available.
  • Click on Options and then select:
  • Answer by IM to discard the call and start an instant messaging session with whom you make the call.
  • Set to Do Not Disturb to discard the call and change its status.
  • Reply only with audio to answer a video call without sending or receiving video.

End a call

We select Hang the SIUV RESPON> (EN) SKYPE EMPRESARIAL UV - Chat (7)>  or press Ctrl + Enter.

Note: To end an instant message, we will close the conversation window.

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