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(EN) How can foreign users of the University of Valencia to be registered??

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Aula Virtual - 


Sometimes, teachers want to enroll external users in a course or community in the Virtual classroom.

External user is considered to be those email accounts that are not the official ones in the Universitat de València (example: gmail, Hotmail, other universities accounts). For security reasons, it's the manager's responsibility to request the identification (See the External Account Creation Policy) of the new user. Users with an domain account or any other domain account can authenticate themselves in the Virtual Classroom to create their account automatically.

Who can register ?:

Any PAS or PDI that I administer a course. Remember that you have to ask for the personal identification associated with the account.

Here you have the Manual to create external accounts:

On time you have registered in the Virtual Classroom platform and have been added to a course or community, you can log in from the page: and choose it from the "Mis cursos" list.

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