

Universitat de València gives at the disposal of all citizens its Electronic Headquarters (ENTREU), through which it will be possible to access the information, services and electronic procedures of the Administration of the University. The procedures can be done from any place and at any time, thus avoiding the trips to the dependencies of the University. The administrative procedures carried out through the Electronic Office have the same validity as if they were carried out in person. Universitat de València, through its Electronic Office, will gradually make new electronic services and procedures available to citizens. Only those procedures available at the Electronic Headquarters may be initiated telematically. Ownership, management and administration correspond in the University of Valencia in the exercise of their powers.

Technical problemsDescription

As a general rule, the incidents or doubts that you enter through the accessible form from the User Assistance window called Technical Incidences and ENTREU doubts and their procedures will have more priority than those that reach us by email.

You can also communicate your incidents or doubts about the site through the email (entreu@uv.es).

We ask that you use mail only in non-operating platform situations. Technical support.

ENTREU is a secure portal certified by TERENA SSL CA. (http://www.terena.org).

We recommend the installation of the following certificates:

The certificates can also be downloaded directly from the ACCV website and if you have any technical questions regarding this installation, you can consult the help documents accessible on the same website.

Technical requirements to access ENTREU:

  • Have a PDF document viewer installed.
  • Java installation (Java 6 update is recommended).
  • Enable in the web browser: Javascript, Cookies if you allow pop-ups or Pop-Ups.

NOTE. Due to the new security measures of the Web browsers, in some cases it may be necessary to run the web browser in administrator mode.

Identification to access ENTREU:

To access the headquarters and be able to track the procedures performed, it is necessary that users identify themselves by any of the following methods:

  • Digital certificate issued by a Certification Authority recognized on the @firma platform of the Ministry of the Presidency (except the certificates issued by the FNMT). This platform supports digital certificates recognized according to the ITU-T X.509 v3 standard, issued by multiple certification service lenders. All the lenders are registered in the registry of authorities of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and for the Information Society of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, in accordance with that established in article 30 of Law 59/2003, of 19 December, electronic signature.
  • You can find extensive information in the document Certification Practices Statement of @firma through the support service of @firma or on the website: http://www.dnielectronico.es/seccion_aapp/rel_autoridades.html
  • User and password that identifies the members of the Universitat de València (students, PDI and) in all web services of the same.
  • Registered user in the headquarters. Necessary in case of not being able to access by any of the previous methods (Registration page and Password recovery page)
  • In any case, those procedures that require it will require a specific form of authorization.

Regulation of the Electronic Headquarters of the UV

Regulation of the Electronic Registry of the UV

How does the Electronic Office work?
Usage manual
How to register in the electronic office?
Registration process at the electronic headquarters
Client installation process @firma

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