

The Classrooms environment refers to the remote maintenance service of the teaching and free access classrooms managed in the Classrooms Project.

This service allows you to install, through PXE, a base operating system on the computers of those classrooms that are part of the AULES project and use Windows or Linux virtual desktops to run the specific software that each center needs to carry out teaching in a classroom. Physical equipment must meet minimum requirements and be compatible with our base operating system.

Applications that are installed on Windows or Linux virtual desktops must be licensed and run in a desktop virtualization environment (VDI).

The use of some resources of the operating system installed on virtual machines and classroom computers is restricted to avoid inappropriate use.

Incidents regarding the operation of equipment and applications will be processed through a request to the CAU using the entries corresponding to Computer Classrooms.

FAQ s UV computer rooms

Quick Guide to VDI access from outside SEPT 2021 rev.0.4.docx

Software installation

The computer rooms of the University of Valencia are managed centrally in accordance with the semiannual programming that the centers, departments and services prepare before each teaching period.

There are currently more than 800 applications installed in the different classrooms. This can lead to conflicts between programs and / or versions that require additional work to make them work.

The following rules are established to improve the management of the different classrooms:

  •     Open two exclusive periods of software installation requests:
    • First semester: from June 1 to 30.
    • Second semester: from December 1 to 31.
  • Software versions will remain stable throughout the course to make it easier for exams to be done with the same version as teaching.
  • Any decision on the change of programs and / or versions must be agreed and authorized by the center, department or service responsible for the classroom, except in cases where the lack of support from the manufacturer forces the change.
  • Throughout the course only specific failures will be addressed.

The application for installation and updating of the software that is made each semester must be made by means of a single writing by the head of the classroom (deanship or administration of the center) with a single request via:


No other requests will be accepted. In shared classrooms, the coordination function corresponds to the corresponding campus unit.

The preexistence of any software in a course does not guarantee that the same software will remain installed the next course if it is not explicitly included in the listings of the center that is supplied to us.

Procedimiento de reserva

Reservations will be made through the Virtual Secretariat (http://secvirtual.uv.es). It can also be accessed from the webpage http://correo.uv.es.

Incidencias informáticas en las aulas

In case of detecting any computer problem or incident, the student will go to the head of the classroom, who will communicate the incident through http://solicitudes.uv.es, while the teacher will follow the following procedure:

If the issue is computer hardware (mouse, monitor, keyboard, etc.) you must enter http://solicitudes.uv.es and choose the application called microinformatics Incidents, while if it is a problem with the software or With installed programs, the request for Computer Classrooms / Laboratories will be selected in the same application and click on Incidents.

List of computer rooms of the different campuses


Blasco Ibañez


  • Facultad de Químicas
  • Facultad de Farmacia
  • Facultad de Biológicas
  • Facultad de Físicas
  • Facultad de Matemáticas
  • Biblioteca de Ciencias.
  • Filología 
  • Filosofía 
  • Fisioterapia 
  • Geografía i Historia 
  • Infermería 
  • Magisteri 
  • Medicina 
  • Odontología
  • Psicología.
  • Aulari Nord
  • Aulari Sud