

When do I have the appointment to enroll?

Your appointment for registration, is in the Virtual Secretariat of the UV.Check the link: 

Appointment of enrollment

Where can I register?

Check the student portal.
In the portal, you will have access to the links to the registration application as soon as the deadlines open. Portal of the student.

I have not seen my password when I registered

If you have not entered your alternative contact information for password recovery (alternative email, mobile phone), then you must go in person to the Secretary of your center and the secretaries staff, you can proceed to change your password from the management applications of the UV, after verification of your identity (DNI). Information about UV passwords.

Registration issues

ERROR MESSAGES. Application.

The descriptions are intended to help diagnose and resolve the incidents that may arise during the registration process in order to be as efficient as possible. Some of the errors shown are not likely to have occurred. However, an exhaustive list with the relevant errors has been attempted. If there is an error that is not described in the list, go to the helpline number.

Portal del alumnadohttps://www.uv.es/portalumne
Portal de las personas usuariashttps://portal.uv.es
Secretaría virtualhttps://secvirtual.uv.es


Rev:2018 / 05

(Schedules, degrees, subjects, group changes, etc.) 
See the list of centers . 
(  = phones, emails, websites.) 
* Always during registration appointment time

Masters Information

Dial the Student Service telephone (963 983 203) and follow the operator's instructions.

Servei d'Estudiants

Tel .: 963 983 203 - Ext .: 51122

Doctorat School

Tel .: 963 983 006

Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyeria

Tel .: 963 543211

Faculty of Economics   

Tel .: 961 625 144 
Ext .: 25151 
Ext .: 28484

Faculty of Infermeria and Podiatry

Tel .: 963 855 027

Faculty of Biological Sciences

Tel .: 963 544 019

Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat 
Physics and l'Esport

Tel .: 963 983 343

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences

Tel .: 963 544 569 
Ext .: 44357

Faculty of Social Sciences

Tel .: 963 828 514 
Ext .: 28751

Faculty of Dret

Tel .: 963 828 676 
Ext .: 28510

Faculty of Pharmacy

Tel .: 963 544 871 
Ext .: 43972

Faculty of Philology, 
Translation and Communication

Tel1 .: 963 983 572 
Tel2 .: 963 983 574 
Tel3 .: 963 983 323 
Tel4 .: 963 983 432 
Ext .: 83432

Faculty of Philosophy i 
Ciències de l'Educació

Tel .: 963 864 424

Faculty of Physics

Tel: 963 543 677 
Ext .: 44467 
Ext .: 44342

Faculty of Physiotherapy

Tel: 963983178 
Tel: 963983185 
Tel: 963983856 
Tel: 963983458 
Tel: 963983179 
Tel: 963983187 
Ext .: 83178 
Ext .: 83185 
Ext .: 83856

Faculty of Geography and History

Tel .: 963 983 526 
Ext: 83526

Faculty of Magisteri

Tel .: 963 864 442 
Ext .: 25084

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Tel.: 963 864 975
Tel.: 963 864 152

Faculty of Psychology

Tel .: 963 864 664 
Ext .: 64673

Faculty of Chemistry

Tel .: 963 544 323

IT support

Tel .: 963 544 500

Telephone service hours 
From 07-16-2019 to 07-31-2019 
Monday to Thursday: 08: 15h. at 7:30 p.m. 
Friday: 08: 15h. at 2:30 p.m.

News registration 2019-20 (PAS)

Information for UV personnel.
News registration 2019-20 v2

Help documents for the formalization of online registration.


Registration preparation

Update the administrative data necessary for registration before the registration appointment. The enrollment preparation is exclusively for students who have already enrolled in previous courses in the degree.


Registration confirmation process

This process lasts to term the day and the assigned time that has been assigned for the registration (appointment). Registration can be formalized from this moment.


Enrollment for students who enroll for the first time in the degree does not require enrollment preparation. All the steps will be carried out on the assigned day by registration appointment.


(EN) Support for enrollment in centers

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