(EN) EMAIL BOX - Large files sent by email

(EN) EMAIL BOX - Large files sent by email



Through the "Common List", you can distribute a file to an indefinite number of correspondents, it is enough that you communicate the password that you put to mateix. The University of Valencia, provides the service of 'CONSIGNA'. Using the UV password service you can order your browser to send a file (attached) to a correspondent. The slogan is public. Anyone from the UV or not, can use it to send files to a user of the UV. And any user of the UV can use it to send files to anyone who wants it, even outside the UV.

The password has the advantage, over email, that it allows sending large files (up to 20 GBytes).

The file is stored in the slogan for 15 days, enough time for your correspondent to receive the e-mail with a coded URL. Spicy in the URL your correspondent will be able to download the file. If you authenticate as a UV user before sending, you can know the URL of the password, which allows you to send copies to other recipients or pick up the file yourself from another computer. If you use the Common List, your file will appear; in the public list, but only those who connect the password that you put will be able to download it. If you do not, you can not put passwords and / or allow the file to be accessible from outside the UV.

SERVEI DE CONSIGNA - Pantalla d'accés