(EN) Modality 4: Compulsory groupings and distribution by time groups

Groups: Selection of grouping of subjects. 
Subgroups: Selection of the timetable of subjects.

This modality requires you to use a single grouping per course.

The enrollment process for compulsory groupings is as follows:

  • Choose the set of subjects of the course you want to enroll and click on register
  • You will see a set of groupings in which there is a place for ALL the subjects chosen in that group.
  • Choose the grouping that interests and accepts you.
  • If for any reason, any subject has not been able to enroll, a dialogue window will appear. "Accept" will erase the rest of the subjects enrolled in that operation."Cancel" will keep you enrolled in the subjects that have been possible to find a place.
  • If through compulsory groupings you can register for all the subjects, your process has ended.
  • If there is no grouping in which there are places for all your subjects:
    • Try to eliminate some and try to get enrolled as many as possible
    • Contact and inform your Center of the situation. It is possible that they can offer more places and you can finish your registration
  • In compulsory groupings it is NOT possible to register for more than one group in a course.

Other considerations:

  • Once the group is set, it is necessary to proceed to choose the subgroups (classes with schedule) that have been defined for each group of each subject.
  • To do this, your Center has created some sets of hours, compatible on schedule, trying to facilitate the enrollment of the student.
  • It may happen that you have selected 6 subjects, and there are no timetables with free places in all the subgroups. You will be shown those time sets with maximum coincidence. Once one is selected, a new screen will appear with the maximum number of other subjects, and so on until the enrollment is complete.
  • If your Center allows it, you can change subgroup in the process of self-registration. If not, you will have other deadlines and environments to request changes.
  • If you are a repeater in a subject, and your Center has arranged it, when enrolling in the suspended subject, the group chosen by you will be ignored, and you will be enrolled in a special group. The students of this group will be distributed later according to the criteria established by the center. Therefore, in the time of self-registration, you will not know the subgroup (class) of that subject.