(EN) PASSWORD - Change by expiration notice.

(EN) PASSWORD - Change by expiration notice.

Expiration of passwords Information.

As a preventive and security measure for users of ICT services of the UV, the mechanism is activated to establish an expiration period of the passwords assigned in the TIC UV credentials. (See Regulations on the Use of ICT Resources at the University of Valencia ) [Chapter V. Art.10-Art. eleven ]

All passwords will expire one year after the last change made.

Before the expiration of this period, users will be notified through the Portal of UV users with the following cadence:

    • Two months before
    • A month before
    • Fifteen days before
    • One week before

The password can be changed at any time once the notification is received, not receiving the rest.

After the notification deadlines, if the user has not renewed his / her password, it will be BLOCKED, preventing access to any of the services, applications, and systems linked to his / her credentials, as well as access to the wireless network of the UV, in compliance with the information security regulations .

It must be remembered that the expiration and blocking of the password in your UV credentials, will affect all those programs, services, and applications where you have configured and saved or stored your password whatever the device in question. (PC, mobile, tablet ...), and therefore should proceed to review.

Notifications and notices

E-mail notices

In the indicated periods, the users will receive notices in their email box, informing of the need to change the password regularly, the time that has been unchanged, and the expiration date, as well as the necessary advice to proceed to perform this operation. 

Safety notice

The Servei d'informàtica of the Universitat de València , will NEVER ask you by email to report your password or reveal it. Therefore, if you had received any request in this regard you should consider it ' phishing ', and proceed to delete it directly from your mailbox.

Notices in the Portal of the users

Also, and also within the indicated periods, and when connecting to the Portal of the users , a notice will be received informing of the proximity of the expiration, so that it proceeds to make the changes before the expiration date. In the case of not having made the suggested changes within the indicated period, you will receive a message informing you of the blocking of your account, in compliance with the information security regulations .

Password EXPIRATION warning:

In the Portal (miUV), next to the user's photograph, a link with this aspect will appear: 

Clicking on the link, we can access to change our password.

Notices in the Unique Identification System of the UV (SSO)

Password BLOCK notice:

If after two months from the first notice, the password has not been changed, when we type our credentials in the unique identification system of the UV,in any of the applications or services that are under the unique identification system of the UV (SSO-PAPI), such as GDH, Portal, Mail, DISCO, Accounts, Blogs, Virtual AulA, nUVol, etc ... instead of establishing the connection (obviously you can not because the password has been blocked), A page with the message will appear: 

Password update

If you have received an account expiration notice:

The account expiration notices are prior to the definitive blocking of the same, if they are not attended.

One of the ways to proceed with the change is to connect to the Portal of the users ( http://portal.uv.es), and after validating with the current credentials, we must look at the place dedicated to the photo of our 'profile' , where a notification will appear in red, ('NEW') accompanying the text 'Expired password'.

Clicking on the text 'Password expired', will take us to the link linked to our registration in the Database of users of the Universitat de València, to proceed to the change / update. On this screen, you will inform us of the deadline that we still have to proceed with the change, it offers us the possibility of doing so.

We will enter our current password, and we must enter the new password twice, following the Rules to obtain a new password , which will appear by clicking on the questions in red, or on the text 'Help'. Once the form fields are filled out, we will click on the 'CHANGE MY PASSWORD' button.

If everything went well, we will see an informative screen that the password has been modified and comes into force from that moment, offering us again access to the PORTAL OF USERS, under the link 'User Environment'.

How to choose a new password?

Rules that a password must follow

    • It can not be too short. It must have more than 8 characters .
    • It can not be "based" on a dictionary word (Spanish, Catalan, English, French, German).
    • It must have at least 5 different characters .
    • It should not be too "simple" or "repetitive" .
    • It should not be the same as the user.
    • It can not be the same as the previous one.

Password suggestions

If you click on the "questions" that the form shows you will get a list of suggestions for pronounceable passwords, easy to remember.

Note that a suggestion is not necessarily a valid or recommended password.

How to choose a secure password?

Think of a memorable phrase, such as:

"It's easier to believe than to think."

Then, change it to an acronym (including punctuation).


Add a bit of complexity by substituting letters by numbers or symbols in the acronym. For example,

3m7 @ qp.

Add a little more complexity by capitalizing at least one letter, such as M.

3M7 @ qp.

Symbols administered in the password

The admissible symbols in the passwords are: @% $ & () =? ! + -,; _ {} [] * |

NOT VALUE: '"#> <

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