The Universitat de València allows guided visits to the installations of the Tirant supercomputer. The visit allows to know better the Spanish Supercomputing Network and the functioning of the node of Valencia.
Due to the recent construction of the new Data Processing Center (CPD) of the Universitat de València, the Tirant supercomputer has been moved to a new location, which forces us to make some changes in the visits. Please, although you have already come other times, review the new requirements.
The visit lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes and consists of two parts, an introductory talk and the physical visit to the CPD. Consider the following:
- The number of visitors It can not be higher than 30 , due mainly to the capacity of the CPD. For the physical visit, smaller groups of 10 people will be made. The rest of the visitors will wait outside the enclosure to be able to enter. If the visitors are minors, they will be accompanied by at least two teachers, so that they are not left unsupervised at any time. Groups of more than 30 people will have to request more than one visit.
- It is not allowed to enter food or drink to the CPD.
- It is not allowed to touch any computer component.
- There will be no visits in July and August, due to the vacations of the personnel in charge of them.
If you are interested in making a visit, please contact us at the following email address: providing the following information:
- Name and surname of the teacher responsible for the group.
- DNI of the teacher responsible for the group.
- Educational Center of Origin
- Level of studies of visitors.
- Number of expected visitors
- Proposed dates for the visit.
In the attached galleries you can see the photos of all the visits we have received in Tirant, classified by years.