The Servei d'Informàtica does not offer Wordpress support to the user, but we can request help on some details about the blogs in the UV by using the application.uv.esform. It is also recommended to consult the following "Frequently Asked Questions":
How can I request a working group on to later have a Blog for that group?

How can we create our group blog?

How can I manage a group blog in the UV?

Can I add users to the group blog?

How can I change a header image?
Select a theme and the first entry.
We can see a 3-minute videotutorial:
How can I insert an image?
How to redirect our Wordpress to another URL?
If our blog is obsolete and we no longer want to use it, we can make every user who tries to access it automatically redirected to another URL that we indicate. For this we will activate the plugin "Simple 301 Redirect".
Then in the administration menu, click on Settings followed by the option "301 Redirects".
In the Request section we will introduce:
In the Destination section we will introduce the URL to which we want to redirect: (it's an example of URL).
After saving the changes, any user who enters the URL of our blog, will be redirected to the URL that we have indicated.
Can we create a new page and assign it to the menu?
Can I insert a video on my blog?
Can I use plugins or payment themes? The Servei d'Informàtica does not purchase plugins or themes. It is the interested user who makes the purchase of the plugin or theme license. The SiUV then validates the purchased plugin or theme and installs it on the platform for later use by the user of the blog in question. We can contact the to comment on the case.
How can I back up my blog?
For this we have at our disposal a very useful and versatile tool that you will find in the Wordpress administration menu, in Tools > Export. This tool allows you to export the content into an XML file that contains all the information you choose to export in a format that Wordpress calls WXR. The Wordpress exporter allows you to export basically anything you have on your blog (entries, pages, comments, categories, custom post types, etc.) It also allows you to segment by date interval, categories or even status.