


  • GDI does not show my teaching correctly. How do I solve it? 

    If there are missing classes in the teacher's GDI grid, the department should be contacted to correct the error. If there is any inaccuracy regarding the schedule or classroom, the teacher should go to the responsible center to correct the reservation of the classrooms or schedules.

  • What happens with shared teaching? 

    In many occasions a class is assigned by POD to several teachers, it can be registered by the professors who teach it and those who do not register it, the registered shared teaching status button will appear.

  • I have given my classes but I have forgotten to register them. How do I solve it? 

    Remember that classes can be signed until 23:59 hours on the same day. But if at the end of the day you have not registered any of your classes, you should send an email to the manager of your center indicating the incident. To send an email to your manager from the application itself there is an option called 'Mail to my manager' in which we will indicate what class and in what day we do not register the teaching. When filling out the form, we will select the center responsible for the subject.

  • If I do not give the class due to illness, how do I indicate it in GDI?
  1. A class should only be signed when it is taught, so even if you are indisposed and have informed you can not sign or we will be indicating in the application that a class was taught when it really has not been.
  2. If the class gives it another day then we will mark the teaching as recovered, in this case, if the teacher a few days later actually taught the class and if so, he can sign the class as recovered the day he actually recovers it.
  3. Observations can be added, but always when a class is signed, since the observation is linked to the signature and not to the absence of it. Therefore, the teacher (or the manager if acting on their behalf) can add an observation to a signature, in this case a recovery. Observations can be entered in the window that opens when clicking on the information button of a class.
  4. Therefore, if a class has not been taught it must be left as unsigned. And the GDI application, not being an application of human resources, does not keep information about possible incidents at the personnel level (such as the indisposition of a teacher).

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