(EN) DISCO - Spaces management

(EN) DISCO - Spaces management

Space management

Introduction to the spaces, Virtual Disk and Web Pages, capacities and quotas.

Public Spaces (WEB) and private spaces (DISCO)

If you have an account, the Universitat de València offers two storage services:

  • Storage of Spaces (pages) Web .
  • Storage of Virtual Disk Spaces .

Each one can be used by individual users, or work groups.

In the case of work groups, through the group management tools you can define editors (people authorized to modify disk spaces) and webauths (people authorized to modify web spaces). In general, all the members of a group will be able to see the content of their spaces.

Whether they are group or private, disk or web spaces, all the spaces will appear as folders within the user's base folder when they are accessed to modify them.

Available capacities

The occupation of disk and web spaces is limited. A quota is assigned to each space at the time of its creation. This share grows as the capacities of the servers increase. To know what space is available at any given time, consult the "Occupation report of my web space" or the "Occupancy report of my disk space" available on the account server http://cuentas.uv.es.

If you need more space, you can request capacity expansion through the CAU .

Activate Spaces: how to obtain a virtual disk space or a web page ?.

How to obtain a Web or Virtual Disk space?

Both the particular disk space, such as the web one, can be activated directly by the user, provided that he has an email account. This activation is done through the page http://cuentas.uv.es , click on CONNECT . At this point you can see the options Activate / Deactivate my WWW page and Activate / Deactivate my virtual disk , from which you have to choose the one you want.

In the case of groups, a request ( http://solicitudes.uv.es ) to create a group on the disk server or to create a group on the web server is necessary , so that we can generate the group. The group will consist of more than one user, and at least one will be an administrator. These administrators will be the main responsible and valid interlocutors for all the issues related to the space. Users can be user@uv.es (at least one) and user@alumni.uv.es (optional). Once requested and enabled one of the two spaces (disk or web), any of the administrators of the group can activate the other. All responsible persons will be considered FOR EQUAL of the content of the space.

In any of the cases, whether they are group or private spaces, disk or web; all the spaces will appear when connecting as folders inside a folder owned by the user.

How can I access and modify the contents of the folders in the Virtual Disk or Web space?

Each user will access with their own username and password. Three access methods (protocols) are provided: via Web / HTML , via MS Windows SMB / CIFS unit , via Appleshare and via FTP .

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