(EN) DISCO - Content publication

(EN) DISCO - Content publication

Publication of spaces or how to publish any folder within your spaces.

Publication of spaces

You can publish any folder you have in a space (disk, web, ...), so that it is visible via the web without the need of a username and password.

The folder will be displayed in read-only mode as you see it from the web interface of " disco.uv.es ". That is, all the files, URLs, folders that it contains will be shown, with their comments if there are any; it will be possible to see the thumbnails and show slideshows with the images. The index files ("index.html", "MainPage.wiki", ...) are not used, that is, they are not displayed "as a web page".

This allows you to create very easily repositories of public, self-indexed information, similar to what you have when you leave files on a web server that auto-indexes the folders; but with a much more complete interface, in which you can add comments, order, etc ...

Publishing a folder does not imply publishing the subfolders it contains: if this is desired, each of the subfolders must be published separately.


To activate the permission, you only need to have access in writing to the folder.

  1. Connect to the web interface of http://disco.uv.es
  2. Access the folder or space that contains the folder you want to publish.
  3. Click on the corresponding "Modify description" icon (i) on the line of the folder to be published.
  4. Mark "publish" and click "Apply"

The folder will be published and you will be shown the corresponding URL (these are simple URLs of the form http://disco.uv.es/pub/usuario/ + the way to the folder). You can communicate this URL to all those who want to access the contents of the folder.

  • It is not the same URL that was used previously. Now it's a URL from disco.uv.es , not from www.uv.es.
  • The URL of the space is shown in green at the top of the page as soon as you click on "Apply".
  • At any time, you can consult the URL of the published space by clicking on the button (i) of the folder.
  • You can also publish your own "disk" and "web" space. But in that case, "Modify description" appears in the header of the list.

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