(EN) DISCO - Description of the service

(EN) DISCO - Description of the service

Shared storage

virtual disk space allows you to store your data files in a safe place, conveniently accessible from any computer on the network.

Your virtual DISK is a storage space accessible through the network, what we now call "in the cloud" . This virtual DISK allows you to deposit files, and access from any Internet point to them through a web interface.

From the University, or, under a VPN connection you can also access this DISC, as if they were on your own computer, as if it were a local disk drive .

  • In the event that it is a DISCO space for individual use (private folder), the DISCO allows you to free yourself from the need to transport other media such as discs, CDs, USB's, or other information media. 

  • In the case that it is a DISCO space for group use ( group folder), the DISCO Virtual also allows you to carry out collaborative work in a more flexible way, since all the users of the group have access to the same information at the moment . Additionally, the publication and maintenance are flexible, because group administrators can change at any time the list of users belonging to the group (authorized to see the information stored in the group's Virtual DISK) or authorize or not a user to modify contents of disk space (permission of "editor").

As an additional advantage, the data present in the Virtual DISCO spaces are copied regularly (by the Servei d'Informàtica), to keep them safe from possible catastrophes, keeping regular copies in order to recover recently lost files.

What can I do with my UV DISC?

From the User Portal of the Universitat de València (miUV) you can access the management of your user account. There you can manage your accounts and spaces. To access your data to view and modify them you can use the interface of "DISCO": https://disco.uv.es to which you can also enter from the email interface: https://correo.uv.es(Explorer of files).

Among other things, you can:

  • Activate or erase your virtual disk space.
  • Obtain an occupancy report of your virtual disk space.
  • Connect via web to view and update your disk and group spaces.
  • See the groups to which you belong : and their characteristics (members, permissions, active spaces, ...) and, if you are a group administrator, change the members;change access permissions; activate, delete and / or obtain occupation report of the virtual disk space and / or web page of the group .

How can I request ...?

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