(EN) MMEDIA - Permissions

(EN) MMEDIA - Permissions

Who can watch my videos or multimedia files?

The video will be visible to anyone who reaches it, if we have previously marked it as "Public".

It can be seen by anyone who knows the URL or has found it through the search tool of MMedia, Google or other means.

We also have the possibility to restrict access to the video through a password, but also. on the contrary, even mark the video to be public, and also allow its download.

Public: The video is played to anyone who comes to him, either because he knows the URL, because he has located it through the MMedia search engine or because the link appears in Roderic (free content repository of the UV).

Password: The video is only played if the visitor knows the password that the author indicated at the time of publication.


Note: Videos with assigned password can not be played in HTML5.

IP Addresses: We can indicate the IP address of the only computer from which the video can be played. We could indicate more than one IP address if we separate them by a space, or a range of IP addresses using the * as a wildcard.

Example:  You can only watch the video on the computer with that IP.  ditto but on two computers with those IP's.

147.156 ..  only in the computers of the University network.

Downloadable Public: The video is played for everyone, but also shows a download icon so that the user can download it to their computer.

Rev:2019 / 03

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