(EN) TFG and TFM Comminities

(EN) TFG and TFM Comminities

AulaVirtual has private virtual spaces to manage students' TFG/TFM work. Each bachelor's degree and official master's degree has its own independent community.

Students can initiate a paper delivery process through the Electronic Office. Once the process has started, the center's PAS completes the process. The completed procedures automatically upload the AulaVirtual works inside folders with the name of the academic year to which the work belongs.

Before processing the PAS you must take into account that you must have access to the community. The administration of the participants of each community is the responsibility of the managers.

Once the work is published in the community, the PDI can access it to download it, check plagiarism, etc. The PDI can also contact the managers to request access.

You can consult the managers of the official TFG/TFM communities to request access.